Acromegaly Ankle trauma Arthritis Bone Tumors Bone metastases Cervical spine trauma Chondrogenic tumors Crystalline arthropathies Elbow trauma Enteropathic arthropathies Facial trauma Foot trauma Forearm trauma Gaucher's disease Hand trauma Hemoplilia How are proximal femur fractures classified? Humerus trauma Hyperparathyroidism In a patient with a suspected hip fracture and negative plain films, what imaging study, if any, should be ordered next? In a patient with pseudospondylolisthesis what are the CT findings? (list two) In a patient with pseudospondylolisthesis what are the MRI findings? In a patient with pseudospondylolisthesis what are the plain film findings? (list four) Joint replacement Knee trauma List four instances when it would be appropriate to obtain an MRI for a patient with low back pain. Liver Marrow tumors Neuropathic arthritis Osteoarthritis Osteogenic tumors Osteomalacia Osteomyelitis Osteonecrosis Osteopenia Osteoporosis Other Other tumors Paget's disease Pelvic & Hip trauma Procedures Rhematoid arthritis Septic arthritis Seronegative spondyloarthropathies Shoulder trauma Sickle cell disease Spinal trauma Spleen Stress fractures Thalassemia Tibial fracture What are the three main types of disc contour abnormalities? What five questions should you ask yourself when assessing bones? What is Garden's classification system for subcapital femoral fractures? What is a sequestered disc? What is discography and when is it useful? What is one way pseudospondylolisthesis is differentiated from true spondylolisthesis? What is retrolisthesis? What is the anatomic classification of proximal femur fractures? What is the correct medical term for disc herniation? What is the imaging modality of choice for detecting lumbar disc pathology? Which demographic group is most prone to femur fractures? Which two plain films should be obtained first? Wrist trauma Book traversal links for Pathology ‹ When is plain film radiography used to image the musculoskeletal system? Up Acromegaly ›