How is it possible to differentiate the deep veins from collateral venous structures? How is the compression examination done? How is ultrasound used to evaluate for thrombus? What are the advantages of color Doppler ultrasound? What are treatment options for DVT? What can cause DVT? What imaging modalities can be used to detect DVT? What is DVT? What is May-Thurner syndrome? What is the appearance of a thrombosed vein on Doppler ultrasound What is the appearance of a thrombosed vein on compression ultrasound? What is the appearance of a thrombosed vein on grayscale ultrasound evaluation? What is the appearance of healthy deep veins on grayscale imaging? What is the gold standard for the diagnosis of DVT? What is the venographic appearance of a thrombus? Why is grayscale imaging alone inadequate for the diagnosis of DVT? Book traversal links for Deep venous thrombosis ‹ Peripheral vascular disorders Up How is it possible to differentiate the deep veins from collateral venous structures? ›