List 10 steps for evaluating a mammogram.

List 10 steps for evaluating a mammogram.

1. Check image quality. Is all of the breast tissue visualized? Check the posterior nipple line
2. Check the patient's name and age. Age may affect the differential diagnosis for a lesion.
3. Determine the normal mammographic background pattern and density.
4. Check for symmetry. Be aware of any history of surgery.
5. Inspect the skin and subcutaneous fat. Look specifically for skin thickening.
6. Compare the nipples and subareolar regions.
7. Inspect every square centimeter of each breast.
8. Reinspect the images at full resolution or with the magnifying tool.
9. Specifically evaluate the axillary region.
10. Reevaluate any asymmetry to determine an explanation if one is not already evident.