What specific care is required post procedure?

What specific care is required post procedure?

Puncture site: straighten and remove catheters over a guidewire to avoid arterial injury. Apply firm manual compression to prevent oozing without fully obstructing distal blood flow. Compression should be held for at least 15 minutes, longer if the patient has complicating med-ical conditions (e.g., coagulopathy, hypertension) or if a large catheter or sheath was used. Apply a sterile dressing and a compression bandage.
Patient must lie flat, and the limb used for vascular access must be kept straight for 6 to 8 hours.
Distal pulses: evaluate and document the distal pulses prior to releasing the patient to return to the floor.
Medical management: coagulopathy must be corrected and blood pressure controlled. Nursing: evaluate the following at regular intervals to detect any complications: vital signs, distal pulses, puncture site (for hematoma), and motor and neurologic function of the punctured and/or treated extremity.