List 13 factors that put a patient at risk for developing ARDS.

List 13 factors that put a patient at risk for developing ARDS.

1. Inhalation of toxins (e.g., smoke) and oxygen therapy
2. Sepsis (bacterial and viral pneumonia, gram-negative septicemia)
3. Aspiration of gastric contents or hydrocarbons
4. Major surgery, especially cardiopulmonary bypass surgery
5. Metabolic disorders (e.g., acute pancreatitis, diabetic ketoacidosis, uremia)
6. DIC
7. Trauma
8. Burns
9. Bowel infarction
10. Drugs (e.g., heroin, salicylates, ethchlorvynol, chemotherapy)
11. Blood transfusion
12. Hemodynamic shock
13. Fat embolism