What are the BIRADS reporting codes, their indications, percent chance of malignancy, and recommended follow-up?

What are the BIRADS reporting codes, their indications, percent chance of malignancy, and recommended follow-up?

0. Need additional imaging evaluation (e.g., magnification or spot compression views, old films for comparison, additional projections, or ultrasound)
1. Negative (0% chance of malignancy); annual screening recommended
2. Benign (e.g., stable mass, simple cyst, calcified fibroadenoma, scattered benign calcifications, multiple bilateral round or oval circumscribed masses, normal lymph node, 0% chance of malignancy); annual screening recommended
3. Probably benign (e.g., round calcifications or round or oval circumscribed masses on a first mammogram, <2% chance of malignancy); short-interval follow-up suggested (6 months)
4. Suspicious abnormality (2%-90% chance of malignancy); biopsy recommended
5. Highly suggestive of malignancy (<=90%chance of malignancy); appropriate action (e.g., biopsy, excision)
6. Known malignancy