Identify the structures on the four axial sections of the liver.

Identify the structures on the four axial sections of the liver.


A. Right hepatic vein
B. Middle hepatic vein
C. Left hepatic vein
E. Main portal vein
F. Right portal vein
G. Right portal vein, anterior segment
H. Right portal vein, posterior segment
I. Left portal vein
J. Left portal vein, medial segment
K. Left portal vein, lateral segment
L. Ligamentum teres
M. Falciform ligament
N. Fissure for the ligamentum venosum
O. Gallbladder
P. Right hepatic duct
Q. Left hepatic duct
R. Common hepatic duct
1. Caudate lobe
2. Superior lateral segment, left lobe
3. Inferior lateral segment, left lobe
4a. Superior medial segment, left lobe
4b. Inferior medial segment, left lobe
5 .Inferior anterior segment, right lobe
6. Inferior posterior segment, right lobe
7. Superior posterior segment, right lobe
8. Superior anterior segment, right lobe