Identify the structures on the drawings of axial CT sections.
Identify the structures on the drawings of axial CT sections.

A. Aorta
C. Azygos vein
D. Hemiazygos vein
E. Vertebral body
F. Spleen
G. Diaphragm
H. Rib
I. Lung
J. Splenic flexure
K. Stomach
L. Hepatic veins
M. Gastric fundus
N. Left portal vein
O. Falciform ligament
P. Left adrenal gland
Q. Left kidney
R. Pancreatic tail
S. Small bowel
T. Right portal vein
U. Right adrenal gland
V. Celiac axis
W. Splenic vein
X. Pancreatic body
Y. Gastric antrum
Z. Common bile duct
AA. Main portal vein
BB. Right kidney
DD. Collecting system
EE. Transverse colon
FF. Duodenal bulb
GG. Head of the pancreas
HH. Gallbladder
II. Left renal vein
JJ. Descending colon
LL. Uncinate process of the pancreas
MM .Crus of the diaphragm
NN. Right renal artery
OO. Third portion of the duodenum